An ecological alternative for water storage
Tubao S.A.S. strives to offer its customers custom-made solutions designed to meet the needs of their projects. We offer viable, accessible and cost-effective solutions which are easy to implement.
“The great worldwide Weholite network now allows Tubao to offer you solutions for purification, drinking water, industrial or even agricultural uses.“
Louis HUBAU – Weholite Technical Manager
HDPE tubes fully meet customer expectations in certain specific conditions.
Because Weholite is lightweight and easy to maneuver, it requires less handling equipment during installation which considerably reduces the carbon footprint at worksites.
Weholite tubes come in many diameters, lengths and thicknesses depending on the needs and constraints of your project.
Designed with manholes and ladders, Weholite tubes are completely and safely accessible, another assurance that your basin will operate efficiently once implemented.
Weholite tubes are sold in monoblocs from 3 to 21 meters in length and can be assembled in line or in parallel. The diameter ranges from 1000 mm to 3000 mm.
Used high density polyethylene has always been recycled and used to make new HDPE granules.
Extremely light, flexible and easy to handle, Weholite tubes are very simple and fast to implement.
Because Weholite tubes are lightweight and easy to maneuver, they require considerably less time to install than other systems.
Produced with HDPE, the final product is rugged and perfectly withstands soil and water forces. It is unaffected by a wide range of chemicals, doesn’t rust or wear.
The Weholite team is committed to complying with safety regulations and personal protection is worn at your worksites.
Our goal is to meet your needs, so the Weholite team uses its energy and expertise to make sure your projects come to life perfectly. Our relationship is based on trust and attention to detail.
Equipped with an integrated logistics department, we can handle shipping and unloading of our Weholite tubes, in accordance with our safety standards because we employ professional, experienced crane operators.
Our integrated design office works with you to optimize your projects. It oversees your project from the design phase to assembly.
“Thousands of projects carried out using this product around the world prove that it’s lightweight and easy to handle and attest to its longevity and reliability.”
Louis HUBAU – Weholite Technical Manager
Just like its steel counterpart, Weholite features the same wide range of diameters and long lengths along with resistance properties suited to a project's constraints.
At Tubao S.A.S., innovation, engineering, optimization, project safety and relationships built on trust remain at the heart of our concerns. The high density polyethylene (HDPE) tube has become the most efficient and economic way to manage, orient and regulate water. It’s the perfect, eco-friendly alternative to cement tubes. It is used more and more frequently in the design of the following:
Conduits for rainwater and waste water
Retention basins for industrial sewage and drinking water
Storm overflow basins
Fire fighting reservoirs
Roadway underpasses and overpasses
Interested in our Weholite HDPE tubes?